The Bare Midriff

Today is hot, hot, hot. Staying as cool as possible while wandering around Brooklyn by letting my belly button breathe a little.

Every time I think of baring my midriff I get filled with well as think of my favorite Curb Your Enthusiasm episode, The Bare Midriff. Any Curb fans out there? If you are to only ever see one episode of that show I highly recommend that episode. Hilarious.

How do you guys keep cool in the summer time? Here in the city it gets super hot and humid. If you are not familiar with NYC summers I can sum it up in one word: miserable. Intense heat radiating off of buildings and the streets. It can be brutal. But I have to say, I do enjoy being in the city during the summer because everyone else goes away on the weekends (to the Hamptons or Jersey Shore) and it's like I have the city all to myself. There is nothing better than that.

Stay cool everyone, and have a great weekend!