Snapshot Fashion NEWS

What an unbelievable frustrating last 12 hours…

Last night while trying to delete an old account on my Instagram I accidentally deleted Snapshot Fashion from IG. Eight years down the drain! I know you’re saying how did you do that? How is that possible? I wish I had a simple and clear cut answer. I honestly have no idea what happened. I was logged in to another account…the account I was trying to delete. I’m 100% POSITIVE I was logged into that. I hit delete and Snapshot Fashion was gone. It all happened that fast. I cannot get the account back. I cannot get my contacts back. I cannot even keep my same account name.

You can now find me at snapshotfashionNYC. Please make this update and follow along. Also, don’t be so quick to delete IG’s…you never know what will happen and I would hate for anyone to deal with this.

Please learn from my mistake.