Seasons Change

Every day it’s starting to feel more and more like fall. The leaves are changing and the air is crisp. It’s the perfect time of year for a casual and cuddly look.

Late October/early November is probably my favorite time of year. As excited as I am for it to be here already it’s making me wish time would slow down a bit. The year 2020 is flying by…and that’s probably a good thing (hello worst year ever!)…but I feel like when it flies by and nothing really happens it makes me feel so unproductive! So this weekend I’m going to try to do a few things to make me feel like I’m getting something accomplished. Isn’t that what weekends are for anyway?

My plans for this weekend include:

  • cleaning the apartment (typical weekend chores)

  • napping (maybe even more typical!)

  • cooking up some yummy fall food…okay let’s be real, Chris is cooking and I’ll just be eating. Some things I’m excited that he’s making are a butternut squash soup and a mushroom & leek bread. YUM!!!

  • taking care of poor Rocko’s allergies…his skin is a mess this time of year

  • folding a few more drawers the Marie Kondo way

  • reading a few more chapters of my book. It’s been my new year’s resolution to read one book a month which I was able to easily stick to.

  • get excited for the Biden/Harris texting training I’m taking on Monday so I can be part of their texting team. So excited to help get the word out to vote. We voted absentee a few days ago…more about that on my IG soon

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What are you all up to this weekend? Try to get out a little and enjoy this weather…and PLEASE wear a mask! Again, these are the ones I have been wearing that I absolutely love. The masks with the adjustable ear straps are a game changer in my humble opinion.